Warning Signs of A Potentially Destructive Group


Adapted from http://www.culteducation.com

“Potentially unsafe groups come off very nice at first, they go for vulnerable people who are looking for answers, lonely, what you’d call ‘normal people.’ They’re very good at what they do and can get people to believe anything. ”
Margaret Singer, Ph.D.

10 Warning Signs
1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability (Impose strict interpretations on blood, leading to lost of lives of innocent brothers and sisters. Now, blood factions is acceptable and up to your conscience. Where is a accountability for lives lost, esp. those who chose to adhere to earlier interpretations? There are no apologies.)
2. No tolerance for questions (Try this. Ask the elders “How do we know the Governing Body is anointed by God’s Spirit?” or “Does the Truth change?” See Watchtower 15 July 2013 studies articles for example on yesterday Truth becoming today’s error!)
3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement. (Not congregation but HQ Watchtower Org financials. Do you know how much is Brooklyn Bethel Properties sold for in totality? Answer : USD 1.3 billions. So stop asking congregation for pledge (tithe). Congregation Bros and Sis are already poor and skinned like shepherd-less sheep.)
4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe ( Armageddon, last days, be watchful for the end is near).
5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former believers are always wrong in leaving, seen as evil ( Spiritually weak, apostates, turn their back on Jehovah, betrayal, feeding on Satan’s table).
6. Former members often relate the similar stories of abuse and reflect a similar grievances. ( Please Google or visit jehovahs-witness.com for experience of being brought up in the Org. Hear former members share stories of enduring boring meetings, endless conventions, WT preparation, meaningless doors knocking, congregation politics, wasted time, opportunities, child abuses…)
7. There are various records, books, news, or Youtube programs that document the abuses of the group (Start with the book Crisis of Conscience, your eyes will be open)
8. Followers feel they can never be “good enough” (Can we do more in the month of Memorial? Surely it is excellent way do more for Jehovah by enrolling in auxiliary pioneering. Let’s be resolved to do more and contribute your valuables to the Kingdom work.)
9. The group (Governing Body) is always right. (No apologies if they are wrong. Eg. Millions now living will never dies.)
10. The group is the exclusive means of knowing “Truth”, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible. (1John 5:19- over emphasize on separate from the world/ Satan . If that’s the case, why God so love the world? -John 3:16. Can God’s Truth only be found in a man-made organization? Or is it only through Christ- the Way and the Truth- to God )
Be a good BS Detector
Don’t be naïve. You can protect yourself from unsafe groups and leaders by developing a good BS detector. Check things out, know the facts and examine the evidences. Make use of what Jehovah gave you at birth- your BRAIN. Start thinking. Something is very wrong with this religion. A safe group will be patient. If a group grows angry just because you want to make an informed and careful decision before joining, beware.

Elder Indoctrination Methodology

The elders and regular publishers including pioneer go through a different indoctrination program. The WTS uses different inculcating ideas, attitudes, and cognitive strategies on elders.

That is one of the main reasons why elders have special schools, private meetings with CO, special letters from Branch to BOE only.

This information is for those of you who have woken up to TTATT and have husbands who are Elders or children who have fathers who are elders. Info is from an ex-JW Elder. I quote”

I want to give you a little insight on why generally, you cannot approach an elder with TTATT, the same way you approach a regular publisher. These thoughts are from my elder’s book that I kept.

The inculcating methods used on elders are more intense. I give you a few examples from one of the special elders meetings that I attended where no publishers are allowed.

First of all, all the elders in attendance were reminded that we are specially chosen by Jehovah because we were set aside, chosen and special, more spiritually qualified than ordinary publishers. (That’s why we were appointed by Holy Spirit).Then they use this scripture:

(Luke 12:48) Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him.

After reading this scripture, they tell us that we are in charge of the congregation, not the other way around. It’s theocratic order. With this in mind they read these two scriptures:

(1 Timothy 2:14) Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression.

(1 Timothy 2:12, 13) I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

The speaker remind us that wives have no say in teaching matters because Satan uses the weaker vessel to deceive people. He then goes on to quote different sources from unknown magazines that it has been proven that women brains are smaller than men’s. That is why in God’s organization women are only used for preaching, cleaning the Kingdom Hall and preparing meals.

Then the speaker starts instilling fear in all the elders by reading many scriptures, but I will only use a few to make my point on how elders are subjected to more intense indoctrination:

(Joshua 7:24, 25)Joshua, and all Israel with him, now took A′chan the son of Ze′rah and the silver and the official garment and the bar of gold

AND HIS SONS and his DAUGHTERS and his bull and his ass and his flock and his tent and EVERYTHING THAT WAS HIS (speaker mentions wife)

Then Joshua said: “Why have you brought ostracism upon us? Jehovah will bring ostracism upon you on this day.” With that all Israel went pelting him with stones, after which THEY BURNED THEM WITH FIRE .

(Daniel 6:24) And the king commanded, and they brought these able-bodied men who had accused Daniel, and into the lions’ pit they threw them, THEIR SONS AND THEIR WIVES; and they had not reached the bottom of the pit before the lions had got the mastery over them, and all their bones they crushed.

If you noticed, the idea is to get elders to BELIEVE, THAT THE LIVES OF THEIR WIVES AND CHILDREN ARE IN THEIR HANDS.

If their wives fall prey to apostate ideas and lose their lives, then the Elder is responsible for their EVERLASTING DEATH. THAT IS PRETTY HARSH, INTENSE INDOCTRINATION

So with this in mind, you can understand why a wife who is aware of TTATT cannot just tell her husband that Watchtower and it’s 1914 is wrong.

Because from his point of view, first Satan uses women to deceive, like EVE.

Second, women is not allow to teach, especially to an elder appointed by God’s Holy spirit.

Third, Elder/husband is responsible for her everlasting death if he succumbs to apostate ideas that she might bring in, like Eve did with Adam.

So for this reason, wives or children who have Elders as husbands or fathers much approach them differently with TTATT than a regular publisher.

There are exceptions but generally all Elders are indoctrinated this way.

One Year On……


Question: Do you regret leaving the Watchtower?

Response: We have absolutely no regrets. Now we are truly relief and happy.
We are free to use our God given mental faculty to the full and think for ourselves.
Given a chance, we will do it over again.

Never will we come back to the Watchtower. Just like many other ex-JW, we found God after leaving this (man-made) religion.
This is not Jehovah organization simply because he does not and need not have a organization. Stones will cry out if he ever need a witness.
When we DA, we are prepared to lose all our associates, friendship built on mindless obedient to men and Armageddon fear.
We know the drill. It was a high price we paid to leave and it would be a higher price if we stayed on.

I am tired of being told higher education is bad and living in a isolated bubble, cut of from the beautiful world that Jehovah loves so much (Jn 3:16). Research and educate yourself on the many learned men in the Bible whom God uses to accomplish his will. Knocking on empty doors or standing next to a trolly is an awful waste of time.

Research and read up on the history of Watchtower, learn to think for yourself and may you wake up some day, if God’s will.
Brace yourself as you be exposed to the inner politics, cover up, lies and double standards, hopefully will lead you to the right conclusion.
Approach the True God not via an Organization but is only through Christ. I took us years to understand the truthfulness of this simple statement.
Experience “love” as long as you play along the rules of the Watchtower .
But the minute you question their ever changing teachings, you loose them all. “Friends” will vanish overnight and we speak from our experience.

There are absolutely no regrets that we left the Watchtower. We are so happy now and we are in love with life, what we can do with our weekends, free to think for ourselves in line with our Bible trained conscience. Made new friends and catch up with those who left before us. We will do it all over again.
That make no sense from what we are seeing the recent development in the Watchtower.
It is transforming from a publishing company ( which is a dying business) to a real estate corp., buying buildings, using the free labor from R&F to renovate and selling it off for profit and rolling the funds. The constant request/ pledge for donation is appalling.
We are leaving all this behind to focus on life’s more important things.
Life is short and make sure that when it finally comes to an end, your life is worth watching.

Read the Bible daily. When you wake up, contact us. Share with us your road to recovery and we tell you more about the adventures we had.
