Wake Up my friends…

Life is a gift and we intend to show my appreciation for God given life and gifts/ talents by focusing attention on matters that are important to us-such as family, friends and our neighbors / society. We will understand if you cut off contact with us, as that is what this Watchtower religion’s ( pls, do not equates it to Jehovah) man made doctrines requires of you. Just know that you are always welcome to contact us. Life is short and don’t lead a wasted life with regrets. Research about the Watchtower.
Your Unconditional Friend.IMG_8498

Good, Concise Disassociation Letter

IMG_6811“I am disassociating myself from the man-made organization & printing company of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, or otherwise named Jehovah’s Witnesses by Joseph Rutherford– a confirmed drunkard, Hitler supporter, bully and otherwise a Donald Trump of his day. I disassociate from these man-made organizations which do not display the fruits of true Christianity by false prophecies, changing doctrines that have serious consequences, harboring pedophiles, destroying families by shunning, and establishing a Pharisaical system of salvation by adherence to regulations, expectations of hours counting service and Talmuds of organizational publications for the so-called Shepherds of the Flock.”
Sign your name