BYe 2020

Sharing a reddit post that’s I can relate to.

Preaching / Field Services isn’t what’s it seems. Many long time pioneers without bring anyone into the religions despite plentiful hours, effort and $ spent.

//What is JW preaching really about?//

The entire process isn’t what you think it is.

It is specifically designed to be uncomfortable for the person you’re preaching to because it isn’t about converting them to your religion, it’s about manipulating you so you don’t leave your’s.I know it sounds crazy but hear me out. If this was about converting people it would be considered a huge failure the only people who join are people who were already interested in the first place or people who are at a low point in their life (relative dying etc) offering people cake for joining would literally be a better tool for recruiting.

On the other hand it’s extremely effective at creating a deep tribal like feeling among its members.The rejection they receive is far more important that the people they convert.It causes them to feel a deep level of discomfort around the people they attempt to talk to, these people are labelled as worldly people.These uncomfortable feelings go away when they come back to their congregation (tribe).

The religious person starts out from their own group which is supportive of them,are sent out into the world to preach where they are rejected mainly because they are trained to be so annoying, these brave witnesses then return from the cruel world to their congregation where they are treated as returning heroes.They are now safe.They bonded as they share their experiences of reaching out to worldly people to bring them the truth.

Once again they will learn that the only place they are accepted is with people like them and it isn’t safe to leave the group.The world is your enemy but we love you.This pain reward cycle is a highly common brainwashing technique.The participants become more and more reliant on the tribe because they know others will reject them.

Mix it up with some ritualized monotonous repeat of instructions (WT meetings) and add a dash of judgment from an all powerful entity who only loves you if you do exactly what you are told and there you have it a powerful Brainwashing mix.

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